You Don’t Know … Until You Know
When I was young, single and completely work-obsessed, I thought I had my life figured out. 70 hour workweeks? Check. Independence? Jam-packed calendar? Plenty of disposable income? Check, check and check. I was fulfilled! I was productive! I was important!
I didn’t know how I would live any other way.
And then I got married, had a child (and then two, and then three), and fell in love with being a stay-at-home mom. I gave and received loads of hugs and kisses, volunteered at their schools, learned to cook, and took up tennis. Great husband? Check. Happy kids? Great friends? Driving backhand? Check, check and check. I was so lucky! I felt so bolstered by my children’s successes! I loved being able to make our family life the center of my world! I didn’t know how I would live any other way.
And then slowly, I began to feel that something was missing. My world began to feel small. And I realized that I missed feeling productive. And just as I began to seriously ponder how I would ever re-enter the workforce, my good friend brought Mom Corps into my world. Great boss? Check. Flexible? Fulfilling? The absolute right thing at the right time? Check, check and check. I don’t know how I will live any other way.
Life is full of transitions. Often, we don’t know how we will manage them. And that’s ok.
Jump in and give it a try. Because you don’t know … until you know.