Calling all candidates – Moms, Women, Dads and Men!

Our Own Mom Corps Dallas Web Expert and Happy Dallas Dad!
While we are Mom Corps Dallas, in addition to our moms, we would love you too.  We love our name.  We are proud of our brand.  But we’re not just for Moms. 

At times we’ll meet a woman who will say, “Well I’m not a Mom so I guess you don’t want my resume!”  Please know we are here for all candidates – professionals who want to be employed in a position that allows them to work productively, be engaged, while offering them flexible work opportunities to strive for better balance in work and life. 

We are all striving for better balance.  I know Dads who are the primary care giver for their children; they juggle work and life just like Moms do.  What about adults who have aging parents that need daily assistance?  Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents too who are care givers.  Life brings challenges that employers have to address if they want to keep their top talent, and that is not limited to Moms.     

So spread the word to those looking for Dallas area jobs.  In addition to our moms, we want YOU too!