Balanced Work

Lovin' life! Leslie and her oldest son Grant.

Yesterday, my 10-year-old son announced he was going to have four different jobs when he grows up.

“Really?” I ask.
“Yep.  First, I want to work for Coca-Cola, no wait, Dr. Pepper.  That way I can get free Dr. Pepper at lunch time.  Don’t you think they would give their people that?  Then, I want to work at Peacock Alley so I can work with Dad.  I will also be a professional basketball player so I can have lots of money and play ball all the time.  AND, I want to work on the Vista Verde Ranch in Colorado so I can get better at riding horses and be around all those fun people,” he explains.
“You’ve obviously put a lot of thought into this!”
“I know, but you really have to think about all of the things you want to do and find a way to do them.”
Wow!  Incredibly insightful words from a kid who hasn’t even started receiving an allowance yet.
It is true, though.  We all must carefully consider what our needs and wants are, and strive to incorporate these things into our work life.
Look for these:  Flexibility.  Benefits.  A positive work environment.  Personal satisfaction.  Personal enrichment.
As working mothers, these are the things we must not compromise.  Achieving balance in your job, brings health and happiness into your personal life.  Extreme stress can be kept under control when you understand what your needs are, and insist upon them.  If you are not in a position of balance, ask yourself, what areas can I change?  What can I do to get there?  Then, go!
Editor’s note:  Leslie Needleman spent 17 years as creative director for a luxury linen company.  A position she found to be personally fulfilling and highly demanding with incredible benefits like fabulous sheets!  Currently she is studying to become a certified holistic health counselor.  Her decision to reinvent herself came after a year-long battle with node positive breast cancer.  During this time, she realized the importance of nutrition and balance to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.  Her principles on health and happiness aren’t some fluffy feel good movie, though.  It is real, raw and sometimes downright funny-just like life.
By removing the toxins out of her life-food, relationships, work environment, she is healthier and stronger than ever.  You may learn more on her blog: