If She Saw It, Then It Must Be True

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. We believe motherhood is an honor, a journey, a privilege. It is trial and error and learning from others and ourselves along the way is paramount. 

In this vein, our team will share a few posts about their mothers, motherhood and what this Sunday means to us. After all, at our core, Mom Corps Dallas strives to enhance the quality of life of North Texas families which enriches our communities and provides progressive businesses opportunities to thrive. It begins with the mama.

My mom was always the coolest cat in the room.  Impossibly beautiful, talented, intelligent, capable and loving. She was also a bit of an enigma. We knew her, we loved her, but she played her cards close to the vest, and she definitely wasn’t an open book.

She was the polar opposite of the helicopter parent of today — she encouraged us to be independent, think for ourselves, and Figure. It. Out. There was no false praise but also no negativity — she was reluctant to impart her opinions or expectations on us in any way, shape or form. Rather, she loved, trusted and supported us in becoming who we wanted to become.

So when there WAS an opinion offered, or an observation made, it was like gospel. She told me I was smarter than anyone she knew. And I worked hard to prove her right. She told me I was mature beyond my years. And I worked hard to prove her right. She told me that I was a writer at heart. And I work hard to prove her right.

Seeing myself through her eyes gave me confidence. Because if she saw it, it must be true. Her quiet showed me my strength.