It’s ALL About the Veterans

Ask your average American what Memorial Day means to them, and many will answer, “the beginning of summer” or “a three-day weekend” or “family gatherings.”

Say thank you to those who protect our country and make our work possible!
Say thank you to those who protect our country and make our work possible!

Unfortunately, over time, the true meaning of Memorial Day has gotten lost in the holiday happenings.

In May of 1868, Union General John Logan declared the day an occasion to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers. It was renamed Memorial Day 20 years later. In 1971, Memorial Day became a Federal holiday to honor the men and women who died in all wars.

Every year, I publish an article about Memorial Day that reminds us of the true meaning behind the holiday. You can read it here.

In short, it’s all about the Veterans.

Remember and honor those who died serving our country. The freedoms all Americans enjoy were secured by them.

Bless them all.

2011_HeadshotJerry Reynolds is host of the nationally syndicated Car Pro Show, heard on major radio stations from coast-to-coast. Jerry answers questions from listeners and offers automotive advice based on his 35 years of experience owning and managing car dealerships, as well as being the first two-term Chairman of the Ford National Dealer Council.