Currently browsing: Applying for a Job

Why You Need a Good Recruiter

Embarking on a job search is enough in and of itself. If you’ve already started your search and have sent out countless resumes, applied for what feels like a million jobs online and have gotten nowhere with leads or referrals from friends and acquaintances, it sounds like a good time to enlist the help of a recruiter. Finding a good […]

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How Do You Choose Which Job Offer to Take?

Job hunting can be a roller coaster ride through which patience is a virtue not easily maintained. This is particularly true if you do not have current employment or know you are about to be without a pay check. Even if you are in a stable job currently, the time from application submission through the interview process can feel infinitely slow. Yet, that all […]

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The Job Search: It’s Game ON

The Job Search: It’s Game ON So you’re looking for a job. You’ve updated your resume, researched the market, invested in a great interview ensemble and begun your process. Perhaps you’ve shared your resume with a job board or are working with a recruiter. Now is the time to stop and realize – It’s Game On. In everything (and I do […]

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You Can Never Make a Second First Impression!

We are constantly making first impressions in our personal and professional lives. We make them when meeting new friends, at school events, social events, for business and most importantly when interviewing for a job! Unfortunately, we have no control over someone’s first impression when meeting us. However, we can do some things to help with first impressions at a job […]

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Insider Tips for Getting Past the Recruiter

I’m a recruiter. I’m the roadblock standing between you and your possible dream job. You’ve seen the job posted online or perhaps you heard about it from a friend and it sounds perfect!  Now, how do you get from that blinking cursor on your computer screen application to the interview seat? Through me. I’m not trying to gloat … I’m here to […]

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Graduation, CHECK!

Congratulations! You earned your degree and are ready to enter the workforce. If you are gainfully employed or have accepted your first job opportunity, you are among the fortunate! Many recent college graduates are on the hunt for that first job and if you are one of them, don’t despair. The jobs are out there, you may just need some tips on finding one. 1. NETWORK, […]

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Tips for Correct Capitalization on your Resume and Cover Letter

A cover letter and resume should draw attention to your skills and qualifications, not detract from them with randomly capitalized words. Imagine if You received a Cover Letter written like This. Reading this is like riding a Roller Coaster. By the time you get to the End of the Letter, you would be thinking Twice about bringing that person in […]

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