Blog Warming Party!

Mom Corps Dallas is excited to announce our move to a new blog home …

Denise & Cindy!
Denise & Cindy!

Help us settle in and tell us what you’d like to see and read.

Our new blog will allow Cindy Strand Yared, the president of Mom Corps Dallas, and her awesome team, to spread their wings and speak from the heart about today’s challenging job market and how women are advancing their careers while remaining fulfilled in their personal lives.

Don’t worry – nothing is changing at Mom Corps Dallas, still the same owner, top notch team and respected company.

We’ll continue to share the weekly Dallas Hot Jobs update so keep checking our Monday morning post as well as career and employment news around North Texas, our monthly Dallas Right Now plus insights from our awesome guest bloggers present and future.

Check our national Mom Corps site for the latest updates on all the great Mom Corps jobs across the U.S. as well as detailed information about our Dallas office.

Our new blog allows us to add more of our personal thoughts and ideas and we can’t wait to get started!


Yours in Placement!